In today’s fast-paced world, prioritising self-care is essential for maintaining mental, emotional and physical wellbeing. However, the misconception that self-care requires expensive spa treatments or luxury vacations can be discouraging for many. The truth is,...
As parents, my wife and I try to teach our girls not to have unrealistic beauty ideals, and to love themselves whether or not they fit the conventional idea of beauty. We hope they will learn to resist, or at least question, the avalanche of media and social media...
Being a mother is one of the most rewarding and challenging experiences a woman can have. Your body changes in ways you may never have imagined, and often these changes can leave you feeling less than positive about your appearance. However, body positivity is a vital...
I felt it. Did you? I think we all have. Any comments on my body made me feel awful, and I was already saying negative things to myself. Even when I got positive comments, it cemented this need to quickly be in shape post-baby for my following pregnancies. And even...
After you have had your baby, we still live in a world where it is assumed that your number one goal will be to ‘lose the baby weight’ or ‘get your pre-baby body back’. There are so many issues with this assumption, all of which are incredibly unhelpful; we’re going...