How do I make a start on investing? The best way to start is with a strategy or detailed plan. Most investors don’t know what they need to buy to fit in with their lifestyle, both now and in the next 3-5 years. If there’s no strategy in place, it’s likely that you...
When someone would talk about property investing, my eyes would roll back in my head and my brain would implode all at the same time. But on top of my principal residence, I always wanted to know how to ‘have a property portfolio’, and ‘how to research investment...
Hey mum CFOs! Today I wanted to talk about a question that gets debated a lot so I could share my own research and hopefully save you the bother! “Property Investing: Should I invest in a house or a unit in Australia?” First of all… a bit about me. I am not yet a...
I’ve got a thing for financial freedom. I’ve read many books trying to find the best path to gain such “freedom”; to relieve myself from the corporate work shackle; to spend time doing what I love. Through the journey of finding a path, I got burnt in the share market...