1. Accept that discomfort is neither good nor bad, it just IS
  • An inevitable part of life
  • Fear of failure is uncomfortable and when we have acceptance of whatever outcome happens we get comfortable with discomfort.
  • Accept that life isn’t perfect and is full of discomfort
  • Discomfort isn’t going anywhere, so we better get used to it if we want to live a happy and productive life
  • Acceptance brings peace, just ask Buddha.
  1. Get curious, reframe discomfort as an opportunity for learning and not a threat
  • View discomfort as a challenge, reframe in a positive light
  • Actively put yourself out of your comfort zone so you can get used to it
  • Getting uncomfortable in the first place is the only way you learn
  1. Identify the worst possible outcome of getting uncomfortable
  • Is it really that bad?
  • You probably don’t even think about the worst thing that can happen, you just get used to getting triggered by the FEELING of discomfort and subsequently want to avoid it at all costs
  • Can you handle the consequences if you fail? If the answer is yes, the fear of failure goes away.
  1. Understand that being comfortable for too long makes you feel the discomfort of being stagnant
  • Comfort becomes uncomfortable – we don’t grow, we don’t learn, we don’t progress in life
  • Comfort isn’t all it’s cracked up to be (eg. Procrastination – we often put off a difficult task and do something “relaxing” instead. But, when we think we are relaxing, we aren’t. Subconsciously, the thought of the task is still making us stressed and the fact that we aren’t progressing with it makes us even more stressed in the end)
  • Lots of the time, comfort is boring
  1. Have a bigger better offer. Growth comes on the other side of discomfort
  • The only way we grow is if we put ourselves out of our comfort zone
  • All amazing growth stories are born from an uncomfortable situation – I guarantee all the great success or growth or inspirational stories that you can think of have come from a place of discomfort
  • If we remain comfortable and stagnant, there is no place to progress to
  • Growth needs an infinite goal, a vision or “bigger, better offer”. When you have a clear vision of who you want to be and you realise it is on the other side of discomfort you can face fear and see discomfort as a challenge that you accept.


In RESET, Luke and Ally give real-life examples of changing the story you are telling yourself. The book is an upstream solution that gives kids the tools to coach themselves and improve their thinking. If you are interested in running a RESET program in your school, email luke@lukemathers.com.au for more details.