Once you’ve decided to build a house you’ll face another choice – do you find your land and choose your house design, or do you look for a house and land package?

Opting for a house and land package can have lots of positives, including cost savings and being able to move into a home that is completely finished.

Here are 6 benefits of choosing a house and land package.

  1. Simplifies the building process

Buying a house and land package means most of the hard decisions are already made.

You’ve not only got your land but your potential house designs are narrowed down to a selection of plans that are most suitable for your block.

No worrying about what block to choose, or what house styles would work best on it.

  1. Amazing designs to choose from

Housebuilders that offer house and land packages will choose the best house designs for each individual block.

They’ll take all the hassle out of choosing the best design for your home by considering the orientation, shape and slope of the block of land.

Once they’ve got a shortlist of house designs that would work on the land, you can choose the one you like the most, and sometimes you can make tweaks to their designs to personalise the layout for your family’s needs.

  1. Clear costs & inclusions

House and land packages usually make it very clear what’s included and how much the package will cost.

Because you’re buying the house and land at the same time, it’s really easy to see exactly how much your new home will cost from start to finish.

There will also be a very concise list of what’s included in your package from flooring and window dressings to landscaping and fencing.

  1. Faster to build

A house and land package can also mean a faster build time. Because the land and house design are chosen from the start, there should be few delays to starting and completing your home build.

  1. Cheaper than a custom build

It’s no surprise that houses that are custom designed and built are usually more expensive than house and land packages.

Housebuilders have their own range of designs to choose from because they know the market and what kind of homes people want. They can therefore create their own collection of home designs which have been costed accurately so they know what it’s going to cost to build.

When you opt for a custom design, the costs are only calculated once your design is finalised.

A house and land package is ready to go from the day you sign your contract – the land and the house design are both chosen, cost and you can start building almost immediately.

  1. A turnkey home

Many house buyers want to build their new homes and move in without anything to do. House and land packages offer this kind of a build, often referred to as a turnkey home.

Once it’s built, there is nothing left to do but turn the key, walk in and start your new life!


Owned by Sydney-born John Kelly, JFK Construction has grown to become renowned as one of the best custom home builders in Perth. John found his career beginnings in 1988, working locally as a carpenter. Creating a reputable name over decades of hard work, John established the JFK Construction family nine years ago. Coming from a hard-working Irish family of eight, John values the importance of family life and the significance of the family home. This allows John to offer valuable insight into custom home designs that foster close family relationships while providing privacy and space when required.