From handbags to shoes, makeup and even a dog – if you can prove it’s for a work purpose, there’s a high chance you can claim it come tax time. With the end of the financial year just around the corner, we give you a list of 10 things you might not have thought of claiming in your tax return.

Your handbag

If you can prove that your new Louis Vuitton is used to carry your work phone, laptop and stationery, you can claim it. Just remember to keep your tax receipt!


That online course you’ve been eyeing off for the past year might be claimable, as long as it directly relates to your current line of work. The same can be said for seminars, conferences, and even investment seminars, provided they relate to an investment you already own like a rental property.

Makeup and sunscreen

Calling all outdoor workers, you can claim your sunscreen. In addition, if your job takes you outside and your makeup has sun protection in it, you can claim that too.

Car expenses

If you use your car for travelling between different work locations, client sites or running work errands, you will be able to claim some of the costs of running it.  And no, commuting doesn’t count!


Any magazine, app or online subscription that relates to your work can be claimed, so be sure to keep a list (and all your receipts).


If, like many Australians, your work comes home with you, you might be eligible to claim 45c per hour of electricity when working from home.  Every cent counts, right? You need to keep records, but you don’t need a home office to make it a part of your claim. Gas, water, internet and phone can all be claimed too.

Clothing and shoes

When it comes to clothing, anything that’s a part of a uniform can be claimed. The same can be said for any specific footwear you need, like non-slip shoes for nurses and any shoes required for a flight attendant.


Any donation over $2 made to a charity or political party is claimable, so now there’s no excuse not to pay it forward. Just remember to get a receipt.


If you have a compulsory work uniform, you can claim $1 per a load of laundry or dry cleaning if the entire load consists only of work clothing, or 50 cents per load if it is mixed in with regular clothes. But remember, if the total amount for these sorts of expenses is over $300 you will need proof, so always get a tax receipt.

A dog

For all the farmers among you, the good news, you can claim your dog as a tax deduction. This includes food and vet bills, so be sure to speak to your accountant and keep every receipt for the records. If you work from home and have a family pet, there is some grey area depending on whether your pet keeps the ‘office’ secure.  Chances are if your pet is a labradoodle, that’s not going to fly with the ATO.


When it came to acquiring a lifestyle underpinned by financial security, Brenton decided to ignore what he’d grown up in Sydney hearing, “People like us can’t do things like that.”  Now, consistently ranked one of Sydney’s top financial planners (Adviser Ratings), Brenton helps clients achieve the future they desire. He believes strongly in separating advice from commissions and instead focusing on delivering genuine value to clients.
