Does your visual appearance stand in your way of achieving your goals?
You have a gift to offer the world, so make it happen and let your signature style convey your message the way it needs to be delivered.
Packaging yourself for success is an informed decision as to how you would like to be perceived by others. If you are wanting to create a positive first impression, it needs to be one of impact, as well as one that creates trust and credibility. This does not need to be a stressful exercise at all, but rather one of building a credible professional image that could change the way you see yourself.
Understanding what is appropriate for your role and industry is very important because how you choose to dress will reflect how you think about work and your employer. However, it does not mean you should have to forego your personality style. Dressing authentically for who you are is the only way you can personalise your style with your own brand of magic. After all, you need to feel confident with your appearance, so it’s not a case of wearing only what’s ‘in fashion.’ If you are wanting to raise your profile and build a credible professional image, you need to stand out from the crowd for all the right reasons.
Colour has a voice too and can be used to your advantage, so wearing the right colours for you needs to be applied skilfully, carefully and respectfully. Contributing factors like culture also need to be taken into consideration and occasion is always key!
There are 6 keys to visual credibility:
- Appropriate: What is acceptable and what is not, there might be a dress code for the organisation you will be working for. Do your research on the company’s dress policy if there is one.
- Physicality: Does it suit your body type? Wearing the right fabrics for your body type is key too.
- Currency: Don’t wear clothes that are dated. You want to be known as being current and up to date with the times. This does not necessarily mean ‘fashion’.
- Quality: Are you wearing the best quality you can afford?
- Grooming: It’s not just about your clothing, always be well-groomed when it comes to hair and nails too.
- Personality: Everybody has their own unique style. Are you classic, relaxed, alluring, feminine, dramatic or innovative? Your confidence will project when you dress authentically for who you are. Aligning your image with what you want to achieve will give you the enthusiasm to put yourself out there with clarity!
Ask yourself “Am I dressed in the best possible way to inspire trust and credibility?” If the answer is “yes”, you are dressed for success!
Tania Teperson is the owner of Modaboutstyle Personal & Corporate Image Consulting. She is passionate about the role she plays in creating positive changes for women both in their personal and professional lives. Born in South Africa, she immigrated to Australia in l998 with her husband and 3 children. Having worked in retail and fashion, she decided to pursue her passion for style and trained locally with First Impressions where she got her Certification as an Image Consultant.
Modaboutstyle has been an inspirational journey of working with women wanting to transform their lives and reflect their authenticity through their own unique style.