ONE: Make the Entrance Appealing – From the gate to the front door. Most buyers will drive past a property before inspecting it and if it doesn’t have the good street appeal they won’t even bother turning up for the first open house. As they say, ‘You never get a second chance to make a first impression!’

TWO: De-clutter & Clean – Create the illusion that you live in the perfect house. Get rid of all the nic nacs and surplus furniture as they make your property feel smaller than it really is as well as making it harder for buyers to imagine themselves living in your house. Clean every surface, wall, cupboard and window. Make your house shine so that buyers aren’t already calculating how much work and the extra money they have to invest in your property to bring it up to scratch. Tiny details such as a new door handle on kitchen cupboards can completely transform a dated kitchen into a more modern one.

THREE: Dress the Rooms to Impress – If your bedspreads are tired and old, replace them with new clean and freshly ironed ones. Nothing can bring the mood of a room down more than the decor. A few dollars can completely change the ambience.

FOUR: Carpet or Floorboards? – If the carpet is old, worn and smells from 30 years of wear, tear and spills, steam clean them or even better check to see if there are floorboards underneath. This then gives the new owners the option of relaying carpet or enjoying the newly polished floorboards. New carpet will completely transform your old tired looking house into a new one.

FIVE: Pets – Remove them on inspection days. Fido might be the most placid dog in the world when you are around but when visitors come walking through your house things can change. Don’t let pets distract potential buyers from seeing the entire property and remember to remove litter trays.

SIX: Let There Be Light – Pull back curtains, open windows and blinds and in particularly dark rooms turn on some subtle lighting either a lamp or use dimmers. As long as it isn’t blinding, buyers won’t notice that the light is on in the middle of the day as they are more interested in inspecting the space.

SEVEN: Don’t Sell A House Empty – Unless it is a complete knockdown and rebuilds. Pay for a stylist to furnish your house to give buyers the impression of how the spaces can be used. Often empty rooms look much smaller than they are and buyers overestimate how big their furniture is. Even if you are short of cash don’t sell your house empty! Beg, borrow or steal furniture from family and friends and you will be highly rewarded.

EIGHT: Would You Buy Your Own House? – Check everything is perfect on inspection day. Have the bins been emptied, cleaned and hidden away? Is the front nature strip mowed and clear of rubbish? Is there a number on your house or letterbox? Has all the junk mail been collected? Are your cupboards tidy? (buyers are sticky beaks) Is the laundry and clothesline clear of washing? Don’t make potential buyers think about the realities of everyday life, create the illusion that in your house life is a dream!


Habourline Real Estate is a multi-award-winning independent agency specialising in residential sales and property management on the Lower North Shore of Sydney, voted best outstanding real estate agency on the North Shore in 2016 and again in 2017. Harbourline was also honoured to be a finalist in the Real Estate Institute NSW Awards for Real Estate Small Business in 2017.

Harbourline’s point of difference is that they are committed to building lasting relationships through a high standard of personal service at an affordable price. They are not focused on high volume turnover at any cost and are dedicated to achieving a premium outcome for each and every one of their clients.

Phone:  02 9966 0543