You’ve successfully completed a tantrum-free school drop off, you’ve prepped tonight’s dinner, heck you even walked the dog this morning, now onto the hustle and entering your working day before the circus resumes this afternoon. As a Mum, we are all too familiar with the never-ending to-do list, be it family or business – there is always more to do and it’s only too easy to enter panic mode. So how can you stay motivated?

Staying motivated is an exercise in itself but there are key tools that can help you stay on the ball. Writing a shortlist of weekly goals is an easy way for you to realign your focus. Be it running a marathon or completing a weekly food shop within budget, having something to work towards is important for keeping your mindset positive which in turn improves your overall happiness.

Another hack that’s getting a lot of attention recently is the use of motivational talks. It’s no secret that motivational speeches are extremely powerful and used by some of the most successful people to stay inspired and driven both professionally and personally. Oprah, Mindy Kaling, Richard Branson are just a few names that stand by the movement. With 3,287,671 TED Talks being watched per day, it’s a lifestyle trend that is quite literally taking the world by storm.

However, when you’re a busy Mum do you really have the time to sit and watch a speech? We’re guessing not – that’s why reading a simple quote is really the next best thing. A punchy sentence or two that digs deep and elevates you to kick the day and smash your goals.

Words are powerful, they can really dig into our deeper core and shake things up and that’s why quotes are becoming such a key tool. We’re approaching the 2019 halfway mark (I know, scary stuff) and if you’re anything like me who set myself some new years resolutions that have done nothing but attract a layer of dust then let’s shake it off and get #inspired!

There are apps where you can receive a daily quote directly to your phone each morning, you don’t even need to search for empowerment, let the message find you! Each morning the app sends you a beautiful motivational message that you can use as your phone wallpaper for an extra hit of #ICANDOTHIS.

With us Mums working double-time, sometimes we need a little gold star too, right? We’re superheroes after all and having a daily message that encourages, congratulates and empowers us is absolutely welcome as part of our daily routine.


With Daily Fix Me spreading like wildfire for business savvy Mums that need to stay on their A game, it’s no wonder this app is the talk of the town! You can enjoy a free 7-day trial, available from the App Store and Google Play now.

Marielo Gomez is a writer and marketer based in Melbourne, originally from London, and loves sharing her passion for a positive mindset and motivation. Her latest project Daily Fix Me launched in April 2019.