For mums looking to work during school hours, virtual assisting is a great way to make extra money or supplement your income. You can work a few hours around your schedule, and these can be during the day when your kids are at school, or at night after they go to sleep. Since you can do it from the comfort of your own home, there’s never been a better time to dive in. A few ways you can start virtual assisting to generate passive income include:

Step One – Choose Your Business Structure
What types of clients will you work with? What are your hours and your skillset? Think about these things and form a solid business structure.

Step Two – Decide on Your Services
You can do almost anything being a virtual assistant. Are you good at managing emails and phone calls? Maybe you want to do administrative tasks. Either way, you want to settle on two or three skills, to begin with so you’re not overwhelmed.

Step Three – Pick a Price Structure
The hardest part is deciding how much your time is worth. You don’t get benefits, you’ll pay self-employment taxes, and you have to cover your day-to-day expenses. A rule of thumb is to take whatever you’d like for weekly take-home pay and add 25%.

Step Four – Pick a Web Hosting Service and Build Your Website
Your web hosting service will give you everything you need to advertise your services, network with your prospective clients and start earning your passive income. Design an eye-catching and fun website that advertises what you can do to generate interest.

Step Five – Start Writing and Monetise Your Blog
A blog will help your potential clients find you, and it’s also a way to showcase your skillset. Your goal is to draw traffic and boost your rankings. Once you start getting traffic, you can monetise your blog with Google AdSense.


Prosper Taruvinga was born in Zimbabwe and now living in Melbourne, Australia, with wife, Angela and daughters Kaliyah and Alania. A die-hard about personal development, lifestyle design and entrepreneurship, Prosper is a lifelong student of life constantly striving to become the best man that he can be and to help others along the way. He is inspiring others to achieve a happier existence and businesses that are profitable and enjoyable through Digital Marketing and SEO on his website He believes everyone has the chance, yours is around the corner if you allow yourself to grab it.