How are you? No really, I’d love to know. Are you loving life? Or are you juggling many balls and only catching a few? Are all areas of your life thriving or are you allowing a couple to thrive at the expense of the others?

So often in life we accept things, as this is the way it is when you… have this role, receive this salary, have all these people depending on you.

Though what if there was a different way to successfully do life? A better way. A way that ensures you can thrive and succeed in all areas of your life. Have Balance in your life.

Now before you dismiss this as another one of those articles, now is the perfect time to let you know that I’ve lived your life. Yes, I was a CFO of a publicly listed company and a senior manager for more than 25 years, so I understand firsthand what your life is possibly like.

Though the funny thing is that I had to experience a couple of tragic events, become a life coach who specialise in loss, in order for me to make these changes in my life… and to assist others to do likewise.

Let’s bust four myths, so you can thrive!

Myth #1: You can’t have it all.

Yes, you can. Though not if you keep doing it all yourself. Have you started to delegate? Delegate all the meaningless tasks that you are doing, that add no value to your day and your relationships. Ok I get it. “No one does it as good as what I do.”

Myth Reframe: We live in a world of infinite possibilities. Why do you feel that your way is the only way? It’s not. Allow others to do it their way. Ask yourself is this going to matter in a years’ time? Mostly, the answer will be NO. So, delegate.  Get back your time and enhance your relationships. Especially the one with yourself.

Myth #2: I can’t create balance in my life.

Yes, you can. ‘The Chaston Centre Wellness Wheel of Life’ has nine areas of life. When you focus each week on all areas of your life, you will design a plan that will ensure that your wheel is smoothly rolling along.

Myth Reframe: What you focus on grows. You do not have to spend the same amount of time in each area. Just set weekly goals for each area. Take the action steps and watch them flourish.

Myth #3: I have to say YES to move ahead

No, you don’t. Have you stopped and asked “If I say YES to this am I saying NO to me? Try it next time.

Myth Reframe: Set your boundaries. Ask is this going to bring me joy, move me forward in my goals and/or deplete my energy? If you get no, then say no.

Myth #4: I have to put myself last

This is the most important one. NO, YOU DO NOT. You are the most important person in your life and you matter. When you look after yourself Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually you are then all topped up. Able to be there for others. Able to easily thrive through all your daily activities with energy to spare.

Myth Reframe: The first two hours of each day in my M.E. Time. Schedule in it. Never move it. Watch how more energised, alert, aware and joyful you will become.

Four myths busted. Four important reframes that you can easily introduce into your life, today.

Always remember that you matter and if you feel that something is missing in your life, maybe that someone is YOU!


Karen Chaston is the co-founder of the Chaston Centre, a place for meaningful living.

As a former CFO of a publicly listed company and senior manager for 25+ years, she understands profits. As a Beyond Loss Expert, she understands people and how crippling and life changing loss can be. The Chaston Centre’s many programs have two focuses:

  • Firstly, assisting individuals to create their better everyday life after any kind of loss.
  • Secondly, assisting businesses to ensure that their People, Productivity and Profits are thriving.