We are in the middle of a working-from-home revolution in Australia right now. In fact, 68% of Australian employers allowed remote working in 2019; so this is a trend we don’t expect to slow down any time soon.

While working from home can sound great to some people, it can also come with its challenges. From general distractions, health and safety concerns, motivation problems, and of course the added complexity of working from home with kids.

If you’re currently working from home with children or considering it in the future, these helpful tips will make sure your remote working is a success.

Working from home with children

Trying to balance work and family life is difficult at the best of times. But when you combine the two inside the same four walls, you need to be even better prepared. Fortunately, with a little bit of planning and organisation, you can keep the kids amused and stay on top of your work.

Feeding time: It can be difficult to get stuck into an important project if children are constantly coming to you for food. A good tip is to plan ahead and prepare lunches and snacks the night before. Not only does this help save on time and limit your distractions throughout the day, but your little ones can also feast and stay occupied for a small while, while you continue your work.

Setting expectations: It’s extremely difficult when your kids are clamouring for attention and you simply have to focus on work. If your children are at an age where they can understand your needs, have an honest discussion. Let them know you can’t be with them the entire day but make sure to schedule times throughout the day to spend with them.

Keeping kids amused: If you’re working from home, you can’t be as hands-on with children’s activities as you normally would be on the weekends. Again, with a little bit of pre-planning, you can create a schedule and set out some activities and games for them which won’t require much supervision. Think along the lines of small craft activities they can do by themselves, educational games, or even a bit of quiet movie and reading time.

Health and safety in setting up your workspace

Setting up your workspace correctly plays an important part in your productivity. It’s important to make sure your health and safety needs are met. Whether you have a dedicated office or not, setting up your workspace safely will go a long way to staying productive and avoiding injury to yourself, or any little feet wandering around.

If possible, try to find a quiet place to work. The fewer distractions, the better. You’ll also need to make sure the area is suitable for any online video calls and meetings you may need. When setting up your desk, ensure everything is in reach and you’re sitting comfortably with plenty of back support.

Finally, in line with the changing nature of your work, make sure you’ve got all your insurances up to date should anything go wrong while working from home.

Set yourself a daily routine

Routine is good and can be an important factor when working from home. Structuring your day can allow yourself time to do everything you need to around the home and still be productive at work. Everyone’s schedule will be different, but why not look into creating your own guide to working from home. Make sure to include regular breaks, as well as all the important tasks and chores for the day or week ahead.

Embrace the health benefits of working from home

While working from home can provide many great opportunities, many people can miss the social nature of the workplace. Make sure to maintain work relationships and stay connected. A video call for Friday afternoon drinks or even regular catch-up meetings to start your day can help to keep people connected.

Overall, there are many great health and social benefits to working from home.

  • More time to move away from your desk and have breaks
  • Healthier food options
  • Improved work satisfaction
  • No commute to the office
  • And of course, more time to spend time with family and loved ones.

If you’re concerned that working from home is affecting your well-being, go back to the drawing board and try to plan a schedule that focuses more on your well-being.