The skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur sits within you – “Mum”. As an award-winning Mentor-Business Advisor, I work with people from all walks of life. I help people find their place of genius from people looking to start up their own business to...
Five years ago I was anticipating the birth of my first baby with my partner Leo. With a degree in commerce, I had been enjoying my career but was now ready to transition to working mum life. I had always been big on natural skincare and when I fell pregnant it became...
The million dollar question I am asked repeatedly – how did I manage five kids, a business, getting my degree and renovating a house. It sounds like a lot and I suppose it is, so how did I do it all? It wasn’t easy. I had my days when I just wanted to curl up...
Recent times have got lots of people thinking about their next professional steps. Finding yourself facing an unexpected career change can feel scary, it can be hard to know who to talk to, who to trust and what to do next. Ideally, we’d all have a mentor or leader...
Are you planning to launch a startup? We all know that building a new business can be daunting, and you cannot do it alone. You need a proper support system in place that will help you to push through every situation. Without a support system, it can be difficult for...
When I packed up my desk to take maternity leave from my well-paid government job I never in my wildest dreams imagined I would swap my suits for overalls and comfy shoes. I loved my team, enjoyed my work and appreciated my generous leave entitlements (who doesn’t...