Nicole Gama

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  • Nicole Gama


The Mummy and Me Collection We Are Loving This Winter

Winter is typically a time we might prefer to stay home in our warm and cosy clothing however for some people it is the perfect...

Moving Homes? Take a Page Out of the Boomers Playbook

Moving homes is much like parenting. The second time around is much easier, you know the little tricks, and generally, there are far fewer arguments....

Reframe the Pain: Reducing Needle Anxiety in Children

Tears, tantrums, and distress – when it comes to needles, many children struggle with anxiety. But with vaccinations becoming more regular, finding ways to help...

Pain, Pain Go Away, Help Our Children Run and Play: Pain Management Techniques for Young Children

Like it or not, bumps and bruises are an unavoidable part of childhood. But while no parent wants their child to feel pain, teaching children...

Why You Need the MUM CFOs Money Masterclass

As inflation continues to spike and cash flow tightens in households all over Australia, most mums are left thinking of ways to rein in their...

Recipes for the Whole Family

Food plays a vital role in child development, directly impacting this crucial growth period and setting up lifelong nutritional habits. Food provides the energy a...

Lowest Birth Rate in More Than a Decade but Most Newborn Babies Are Healthy

The rate of women giving birth in Australia has gradually fallen, from 66 per 1,000 in 2007 to 56 per 1,000 in 2020, consistent with...

What Are the 5 Colours to Avoid in the Kitchen?

It’s no surprise that the colours to avoid or favour in a contemporary kitchen is a hot topic of debate among designers and interior design...

Stopping Family Violence Starts with Protecting Our Children

Breaking the intergenerational cycle of abuse is paramount, but unless substantial funding and resources are redirected to preventing child abuse and neglect and providing skilful...